Home Access Biomedical Science Computing Masters PHD Paul Adams

Paul Adams

Creator & designer

University of Worcester

When I started building this site, my goals were to go into pharmacological sciences. Having experienced Biomedical science up close, I have changed them. September 2019 I will be due to start a computing degree switching from Biomed. My experience with technology and creating this website provides the skills I need to "get a foot in the door". With technology moving so quickly, scientists in any field, need to have the ability to quickly shift and learn new techniques of investigation. With knowledge of biological science, I hope to go further in exploring Pharmacoinformatics being the study of pharmacology and computational systems of the future.

I have experience in working in Bars and restaurants which helped develop my "people" skills. Along with my position held as an SME for a large technological company supporting mobile devices, have also given me skills to get me ready for the challenges of university. This has also given me the opportunity to develop this website and Google Chrome Extensions.

Home page

Site evolution

My name is Paul Adams, studying is one of the things that I missed out on in earlier life (18/19), I could have studied but due to my stupidity, or whatever I was not able to. But now that I am older, and I like to think that I've matured a bit more, I am now ready to study once more. Half way through the first year of my studies, I decided to create a website showcasing my skills as a developer, and my progress throughout my academic journey, that's why I chose the name "Road to Pharmacology". Have a look on the left for some more information about me. Anyway, the primary aim for this website was to create a place for all my work, notes and tools for studying and the time leading up to a job in industry.

2017-2018 I was studying on an Access to Science Course at Bournemouth and Poole College. This was while working full time, however luckily I was able to do a certain portion of college work there. On this page will be updates as to what is happening with the website and on the courses I'm studying on in general. Below, I have created a site evolution gif, I don't think it does go all the way back to the original version, and I've probably missed some stages, but it's the vast majority of what I did. I also only started adding updates about a month after I had started the project.

2018-2021 In September 2018 I will begin studying at the university of Worcester. However, due to circumstances out of my control I won't be studying Pharmacology as I thought. Instead, I will be studying, Biomedical sciences, which can still lead to Pharmacology due to a unit in the third year which is called Pharmacology. I considered renaming the website, but I like it the way it is, especially since I've got a business email for it as well. But anyway, that is what I have been/ will be doing from September onwards.

2019-2022, instead of studying Biomedical science, I have now changed to computing with the idea to further improve my developer skills. I will start first year again in September of 2019.


Update 19 26th February, more of a maintenance update, I realised today that some of the pathways leading to the new setup are completely wrong. I need to reorganise the entire website which will take a lot of time going through each file. It's needed to make it look a little tidier at least. I also need to design a new favicon, RtP doesn't really work so well now..
Update 18 15th February 2019, Migration day, Today I've finally moved all the data to the new domain paulgcadams.me, after 2 months of owning it I thought it would be good to actually utilise it. I've also added the biomed pages I created last year, apparently they weren't updated. It's actually quite good typing code and updating the site as apposed to playing video games (even if updating the site includes playing the game I created). I've also updated the game slightly as well, the only real change was that I changed to controls simply due to the fact that it was annoying using the arrows as it would move the screen up and down... Anyway it's all sorted now and I'm in the middle of updating the bio on the left hand side of all the pages to reflect the truth > switching to computing. I should probably add this to the change log as well.
Update 17 1st February 2019, first and apparently only post of my time at university, I thought I had updated it before, but perhaps I did something else to my code. Anyway, this is beginning to look a lot more like a blog, and that is a half intention. I've decided to change courses as well, from biomedical science to computing, which considering I've built this website from scratch for a different reason, makes more sense. Hopefully, with the proper training and information from the university I will be able to make it even better, and optimise it (I'd also be able to add to the site evolution gif). Hopefully I'll be able to add more to the site in the coming months, but I'm still on the biomedical science course meaning that I have to do those assignments. I will also be changing the domain from road to pharmacology, to my new personal website paulgcadams.me. I've also finally created a changelog file in the source code so that I know what I've done, rather than relying on these updates.
Update 16 14th September 2018, This is the final update, before I officially become a student at the university of Worcester. At 20:45 ish, myself and my dad arrived in Worcester and attmpeted to find the car park for the travelodge where we are staying for the evening until tomorrow where I will pick up all the stuff that I need to be a student. I've not actually added anything to the website, so this is more of a personal update more than anything else, and what I plan to be doing in the next couple of days. I went on holiday recently to Torquay where my mum had won a Ninja, this is funny, as when I was at work in a call centre we had floorwalkers, where we called them floorninjas. So I will be adding a section to the website for the adventures of the Floorninja, just for a bit of fun, turns out I can still influence my job even several weeks after I left. I will also be uploading images of what's going on with freshers week, and my new home, at least my home for the next year. That's all for now, this is a long update as it is.
Update 15 20th August 2018, another small update, added more pages to the "Bachelor's" section of the website. I've received confirmation that I am going to Worcester university, so I decided to add a bit to the Fresher's week section and I also created a society page about what I get involved in during the years. (University isn't all about learning you know :P). I won't be able to add any actual content to those pages until the 15th September at the earliest.
Update 14 18th July 2018, a short ish update today, I've started on the "Bachelor's" section of the website, because we have officially finished the access course now, just waiting for certificates, Accommodation emails and everything else. I've also updated this page to show the changes in my university course which is explained above. I added a timer for the countdown to the start of the course in September.
Update 13 17th June 2018, there have been a few updates, I've added a new Game to the site, in the form of a (granted terrible) self generating Maze. I'm planning on trying to position it better, but I'm not very good with JavaScript, so not entirely sure if that will be possible. At the moment it's below the 2 sidebars and you have to scroll down a bit. Also optimised the site a little bit more, it seems that for some reason the old "other information" page is a different size to other pages. Which I have been able to fix after about an hour staring at the code, turns out, I just needed to change the file name.. Go figure. But at least it is now fixed. Finally, I've had a new idea to start a blog of some kind for the site, it might be a more detailed version of these updates, or it might be the same, either way, it's something that has interested me in doing, just need to think of the content, it probably won't even be related to my courses.
Update 12 3rd June 2018, where to begin!? I've completely redesigned the site, again, moved some stuff around, changed the layout, added in a new content design for the large amount of information on a single page now. Also added a disclaimer at the bottom of this page, I don't think I will need it, but always best to be safe. Added a footer section at the bottom of pages, this includes my name, and also when the page was last updated. This will help me keep up to date with when I last uploaded a new page.. As long as I remember to change the date.. Also changed the top bar, it is not 100% across the stop. Loads has changed. It was a fairly productive update and weekend. Next, I think I need to optimise the folder arrangements, since I've now condensed subjects into single pages, it's silly keeping them in separate folders.
Update 11 29th May 2018, Added a few more updates, changed the navigation and sidebars to be a bit more curved. Changed the background of the middle column to make it a bit different. Also created an evolutionary gif of the website homepage. I'm sure there are more steps but I don't have half the old code any more, so I did my best. As I'm off of work and college, I might think of some more ideas, but I am relatively busy as well. Will be working on solving a couple of issues with the site, including the chemistry calculator pages.
Update 10 27th May 2018, updated some stuff on the navigations, updated the CSS so that the side bars are fixed for mobile (it used to look weird, although at the moment it still does on my PC), these now show at the top and the bottom due to some relativity. I've "finished" my final assignment, so I will be concentrating on creating the final pages for the access course and moving on to the bachelor's pages. Lastly I will be uploading the remainding assignments to the assignment download page. Oh will also work on the site map in the other information page. I should probably change where the "other information" is.. I'll look into it. I've also updated the game page so that it does actually work, next I will fix and include the joke generator.
Update 9 22nd May 2018, revamped the individual subject pages so that all the information and the areas we studied are in one place. These are now reflected in tabs. This makes it easier to navigate throughout the website, you essentially stay on one page while viewing a subject. On the right hand side of the page, I'm planning on adding a third column that will be static across the entire site, This will be information that will reflect me I guess? Doing this will then show what I'm capable of at my limits, and my knowledge that I have gained, essentially a profile of myself.
Update 8 15th April 2018, updated the entire site to reflect the new updates. Might add content to all pages one day... I've also reversed this table so that new updates are at the top. I just need to think of what to put to the right of the main content across the site. I will add in a footer soon as well.
Update 7 14th April 2018, Some major changes are coming to the website. A complete uphaul of the navigation system including a breadcrumb system and a simpler subject list. Plus a general update to most of the pages. Also organised the files into folders to make it more organised in the background. Just need to go through the rest of the site and make sure it all works correctly.
Update 6 9th April 2018, uploaded some new pages, such as enzymes. Also changed the timer to show how long left on the course. In general pretty good, assignments getting sorted there's 5 or 6 left maybe 1 or 2 resubs, but that's ok. Got work sorted out, have been able to do college work whilst at work so it tends to be pretty good. It is the easter holidays, however I've been busy with birthday stuff so haven't had the time to optimise and change the site very much. Will attempt to change it over the next week or so.
Update 5 08th March 2018, uploaded a few new pages, these include Personality disorders in psychology, and exothermic and endothermic reactions in Lab Skills. Rather busy with various assignments at the same time, plus been busy at work with other projects (exciting times). Will soon be updating the timer as haven't had the time to at the moment. Will aim to update and optimise the site over the easter holiday however will have an essay to write and an exam to revise for.
Update 4 20th February 2018, past couple of weeks have seen various additions, like the header, and the links, still haven't solved the issue with the reactive image and the image links, but that's fine, this site is unlikely to be used on mobile very often, or at least not that section. I also created the Road to Pharmacology game as well, which is accessible through the header, currently, it's located on next to the Access title. MoreI've also added the Coming soon pages, I feel like these are useful as apposed to the entire site just breaking. I also plan on adding an "extra" section, separate from the Misc part of the site. It's essentially to give an of how I've been creating the site, short answer: Alot of Googling stuff. Also, I will create a feedback and comment page, temporarily, I think a Google form and sheet will do the job, but eventually I think I want to create an actual comments section type thing.
Update 3 Changed the timer to include the specific assignment. Added a couple more pages including the Psychodynamic topic in psychology, Start of Biochemistry (although not available yet) and added the Cell cycle for Genetics.
Update 2 Added in coming soon pages, also fixed them. Added notes for lab skills in Access section for thermal heat capacity. Will change and update the schedule to include Group 1 data, and update the biology assignment hand in date. Added more information in Biology section, The Cell Cycle.
Update 1 Updating and changed the way the site is laid out, originally it was going to several layers, now it's gone into several "home" pages for each level of education. In the Misc > Assignment schedule page there is a timer that will be updated periodically for the next assignment due date (primarily for Groups 2 and 3). I have also created a mole calculator in "The Mole" page as well. So have a look around and hopefully some of it will be useful.


As this website is growing larger and gaining more information from varying sources, I thought I should put this in:

I do not claim ownership upon the information on the pages of this website. I will however attempt to update the reference page as much as possible, if it's relevant. While this website is mainly for personal use, should anyone come across it, I would like to be sure that I am not stealing anyone elses work. The only information I do claim to be my own work are the assignments that are available to download/ view as PDFs. These are fully referenced within each assignment.

Access pages

Lab skills
Other information
"Road to Pharmacology" game
Plants and People Assignment Part A

Other links

Google Home
Site map