Home Access Bachelor's Masters PHD Other information

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Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Lab skills, Other information, Search, "Road to Pharmacology" game, Assignment schedule, Plants and People Assignment Part A

Links and references

All of my links and references that I've (re)found for knowledge or building the website can be found here. The image is the roadmap that I had made myself for a previous version of the website. (I needed to put it here somewhere). Some of references were quite simply notes I had taken in class, but others are from sources where I had to write the information from scratch, only those pages I have included here.

Assignments list

Here's a list of all my assignments that I'm able to upload. For example, in Chemistry we had to make a poster as an assignment which I'm not able to upload since it's not digital. Also we had several exams during the course, most of which I'm not able to upload. But I've tried to put the assignments in a suitable structure so that they are in the order that we handed them in for each subject.
